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Evolv English - Elementary

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After this course, you will be able to achieve a minimum of 60% on the B1 Cambridge Exam. In each lesson you will be given vocabulary, a song, listening practice, speaking practice, reading practice, and a writing task. You will also practice grammar and pronunciation throughout the course. This is a self-paced course– meaning you determine how fast you will complete the course. There is a recommended sequence, however, you may complete the modules and sections in whichever order you like.

Course Description


After this course, you will be able to achieve a minimum of 60% on the B1 Cambridge Exam. In each lesson you will be given vocabulary, a song, listening practice, speaking practice, reading practice, and a writing task. You will also practice grammar and pronunciation throughout the course. This is a self-paced course– meaning you determine how fast you will complete the course. There is a recommended sequence, however, you may complete the modules and sections in whichever order you like. 


Course Objectives


Upon completion of this course, you will be able to: 


  • Respond to questions in a prepared interview
  • Cope in most interactions likely to arise while traveling.  
  • Cope in most interactions while in shops and services. 
  • Give a short prepared presentation on a familiar topic. 
  •  Maintain short conversations. 
  • Describe experiences and events. 
  • Express hopes, ambitions, and feelings. 
  • Express opinions and give brief reasons. 
  • Describe events in past, present, and future
  • Read and write personal letters describing experiences and impressions. 
  • Understand texts with high-frequency vocabulary
  • Understand the main points in most speech encountered in work, school, and leisure. 
  • Understand the main points of many radio and TV programmes. 


Course Expectations


In order to obtain the A2 Elementary Certificate, you must: 


  • Achieve a minimum average of 85% on all modules. 
  • Complete each task. 

Here is the course outline:

Greetings and Farewells

Polite Expressions

Where Are You From?



Present Simple


Present Continuous

Clothing and Accessories

Food and Drink

Habits and Routines

Hobbies and Leisure

Entertainment and Media

Friends and Family




Cities and Towns

Past Simple

Giving and Asking for Directions

Asking for Clarification


Future with "going to"

At the Airport

Hotel and Accommodations

Future with "will"

Making Purchases

Going to the Bank

Shops and Services

Ordering Food

Going to the Post Office

Going to the Dentist

Going to the Doctor

Getting a Haircut

Buying a House

Work and Jobs

Present Perfect

Expressing Opinions

Personal Experiences

Agreeing and Disagreeing with Others

1st Conditional

Making Plans for the Future

Giving and Understanding Instructions

The Body, Health, and Exercise


Culture in English-Speaking Places

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