Pen Pal: Write Connections
After this course, you will be able to read and write standard letters to a friend regarding everyday topics. With an assigned partner, you will read and write two letters per week. You will be given topics to write to your partner about for each week.
Cumorah Pen Pal Program
Course Description
After this course, you will be able to read and write standard letters to a friend regarding everyday topics. With an assigned partner, you will read and write two letters per week. You will be given topics to write to your partner about for each week. You will also be given a writing template to follow and have weekly assignments in Cypher Learning that will teach you important writing skills.
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Work out how to communicate their main point they want to get across.
- Circumlocute on most everyday topics.
- Ask relevant questions that keep the conversation going.
- React and give feedback to their partner’s speech.
- Show listening and interest by using discourse markers.
- Share their opinions, plans, and ideas with their partner.
- Ask for clarification and repetition to ensure mutual understanding.
- Follow most of what the other person says and be able to repeat back what was said.
Course Expectations
In order to obtain the Pen Pal badge, you must:
- Write and respond to your pen pal at least 2 times per week.
- Write within the Cypher Learning system. You may not write to your partner over Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, email, or any other means of communication other than Cypher unless for personal communication and not for the purposes of the class.
Write the followng number of sentences in each letter according to your letter:
A2: At least 3-5 sentences/letter
B1: At least 4-6 sentences/letter
B1+: At least 5-7 sentences/letter
- You may use Grammarly or another method to check your letter before sending it. However, make sure you understand the correction being made. You may not use Chat GPT or any other AI resource to write your letter. We will expect you to do this for your own learning and to be honest in your work.
- Report your writing and what you learned in a weekly quiz.
Here is the course outline:
Instructions |
The danger of a singe Story |
Letter template |
Topics |